Friday, April 22, 2011

April 17, Sunday

Today is Aubrey's "Happy Day" (Birthday) party at the park
Little Miss Independent today

She got on the slide and yelled, "Ready, go!" and left Daddy behind in the dust.

Sam looking cool in his glasses
CHS daycare group

April 16, Saturday

We stopped by SportClips on our way to Baby Zona's first birthday party. Sam wanted a haircut to look all spiffy for the party.

April 15, Friday

Evening forecast predicting storms
 Elliott is ready for anything
 Better check the oven. The turkey is done.
 Sam getting a piggy back ride.

April 14, Thursday

Little Monet is experimenting with new art mediums. This one is pen on child.
This is the most positive thing that can be said about Sam today; he is asleep. 

April 13, Wednesday

I would like to return this defective box of diapers.
 Bathtime scream-fest
 20 minutes of Sam squealing like a piggy

April 12, Tuesday

Send Andrew an e-mail or Facebook message demanding that he upload todays pictures.

April 11, Monday

Sam watching the big trucks paving our road.
 He is just such a big boy!
Daddy and Sam watching Tron.

April 10, Sunday

Elliott put herself down for a nap. Hard to believe that she took a break from Mickey Mouse to nap.
 But she was up and back to her crazy self in no time.
 They went shopping at Target and Daddy bought them some new toys. Elliott got an "Eyesisis" (Dinosaur) and Samuel a truck.
 Fat kid thinks that the truck is funny because when you press the button it shakes and then rolls across the floor.
 Elliott's dinosaur "roars" when you squeeze him. (It is more like a squeak.) He is still pretty cute and the movie Toy Story 3 was really good.

 Fat kid moment
 Not a guilty face at all
Hulk smash 
Showing off his strength 
Daddy has been doing spring training with the children. 
 They have bright futures in cornhole.

 Elliott's "baby" didn't exactly fit into her shopping cart.
 Miss Rotten stealing toys from a baby. Fat kid don't care. Fat kid is eating the remote.

April 9, Saturday

Daddy and the chil'rens went to a horse show today.
Elliott loved her "horsies"
 Sam thought they were cool too.

 Elliott finished up her day with a little light reading.
(There aren't even pictures in the book!)

April 8, Friday

Nothing says, "I am ready to take my nap now," like a raincoat and pull-up.
 Elliott showing Sam what she thinks of him.
All hail the tyrant. 
 Sam doesn't care. He is just drinking his juice.