Friday, June 18, 2010

Playing at MeMe and PopPop's House

Elliott went over to play with Taran and Caleb for a few hours while MeMe and PopPop went to go get some fresh from the garden veggies.
She was really into some independent pool time and kept trying to get out of her float. You aren't quite ready yet, Tiny. She loves her Caleb!!Always with the pointy finger... "What's that?"
Daddy isn't sharing his toys.
She is paddling away from the 'rain'.
Now Daddy is throwing a fit because Elliott won't share.
Her Monkey Mullet gets more impressive by the day. What I love is that she has an undercoat just like the cat that takes forever to dry. I am thinking that she will have thick Barckley hair!!
Playing with one of Taran and Caleb's old toys. I had forgot how ANNOYING it was. "Do you want to be a VTech star, well grab the mich and sing along!"
She kept clapping and dancing along with the music.
Thank you Taran for being Elliott's DJ!! (Taran is even wearing headphones like a real DJ.)
The girls are relaxing in the bean bag chair and watching Go Diego Go. We learned about penguins in this episode.
"What else can I scatter about MeMe's clean living room?"
Caleb helped her out with her favorite toy...the shape ball. She is so assertive when she wants to play with it. She will shove it at you repeatedly and yell if you do not yield to her shape ball needs.
Looking more and more like Daddy.
"Wait. What do you think you are doing?"
"I'll show you how it is done!"
She looks comfortable.
(Yes, she had chocolate all over her onesie. What can I say? The girl loves brownies!)
Daddy is going to get you.
Waiting for MeMe and PopPop to make it home.