Sunday, August 7, 2011

Packed up and headed to Mississippi

We finally got a chance to go out to Mississippi to visit Nana and Aunt Deb.
 Sam was excited although hesitant about his birthday gift.
 The boy just cannot understand the concept of something for him because of the tyrant toddler.
 He loved his blanket from Aunt Deb. I am sure Elliott learned what jealousy was today.
(At least he got to play with his blanket because Elliott had taken over his wagon and blocks.)
 And we had to play with the packaging...
 We turned the wolfpack loose...
 They were both trying to get to UnderFoot the orange cat.
UnderFoot is his Indian name. His English name cannot be written without a trip to a confessional.
 HoT mEsS
 Sam went down to the levee to see what his Daddy had been up to.
 He and Nana said goodbye before the shooting started back.
 Fat Kid made NaNa carry him all the way back to the house.
 Papa Joe offered Elliott the CZ-75 9mm pistol to shoot. She said, "No, big bam-bam." Tiny wanted a bigger gun, she needed to shoot a rifle! She didn't know that bigger gun doesn't mean bigger caliber, so she was actually only shooting a .22lr gun. She sure was happy, though!