Sunday, October 25, 2009

October 25, Sunday

Elliott sitting on the kitchen table enjoying the morning sun. She loves watching her outside kitty, Mr Auto-Bots. I think he reminds her of the Lion King with his 'circle of life' demonstrations. You know, murdering innocent animals in the back yard by decapitation...
"Yeah, I love my mummy. What of it?"
Let me see... Leg warmers...Big hair bow...Hello '80s!!
Why so serious?
Thumb sucker! (Even thought it appears as if she is picking her nose.)
I so want to teach her the same hand pose but move it down to her chin. She would look like she is contemplating...

Take a close look at that right hand but ignore the dust on the table. She will be nerding it up with 'Live long and prosper' before too long.