Sunday, February 21, 2010

February 21, Sunday

Don't let her fool you. She looks asleep, right. Wrong. As soon as the flash went off she was smiling. I tink I taw a puddy tat.
Showing off her mad snapping skills.
She keeps moving her tongue all over. It is gross.
She has decided that this is how she is supposed to 'pose' when Mommy takes pictures.
Playing peek-a-boo with Mommy who is sitting on the floor.
We put a headband on her to try to maintain her hair. She decided that it would be fun to wear it '80s style. Unfortunately, things progressed beyond this to....
(And yes, she is waving around a butter knife.)
Gimme a cookie or I will cut you!
She went outside with Daddy to play since it was 70 today!!
She doesn't even remember spring!
Mr AutoBots wanted her to come back outside to play with him.