Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February 23, Tuesday

Nap time

No, my child does not have worms. She just likes to sleep with her booty in the air. I like to think that it is because that diaper is so warm.She is her Mommy's girl after all.

Neither one of us do well when we are woke up from our naps.

Guess what! We are making brownies!!

Elliott mixed the caramel while Mommy mixed the batter.

She wasn't quite sure what to think when I turned the mixer on.

She didn't mind the mixer as long as she was next to the refrigerator.

But Mommy, I want my brownies now!!!

She ate the mess out of some brownie a-la-mode with Daddy.


Story time

I would read a page and then she would read the page.

She is really starting to get into reading.