Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 7, Sunday

Elliott got to spend an afternoon over at MeMe and PopPop's while her parents displaced responsibility in order to watch the new "Alice in Wonderland."
Oh, great. Elliott has one of those Asian taxi things.
These boxy thumb-guzzlers are all over the highway nowadays.
Pfff. Some putz in a truck pulled up beside her. She don't even cur'.
And this is exactly what we need to see. More female drivers. Like Malfunction Junction wasn't risky enough as is.
What's this? Caleb is somehow tasked with pulling around to perfectly mobile young ladies?
I think rickshaw drivers are supposed to face the other way, Caleb.
Taran is having a grand time in the wagon... Elliott on the otherhand doubts the off-road capability of such a vehicle.