Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August 10, Tuesday

Elliott is ready for the day with her new outfit! She is a little fashionable country girl today with her new boots.
(That is a guitar, not a banjo. She is classy and not a backwoods kind of marry-your-cousin girl. That is probably in part to the fact that she doesn't have any cousins yet.)
Best girl ever!
She is rocking the guitar so hard that you probably can't even focus on her... not because the picture is blurry.

Such a big kid!!
Samuel is so mad at Daddy that he could just implode.
Taking a breath in between fits.
Check out those eyes. They just keep getting more blue. Why can't I have a brown-eyed baby? Isn't the brown gene supposed to be dominant? Mr Punnett is a liar and a cheat.
Mommy's Mr. Man Smiles
Who pooted in my pants?!?!
He is smiling more now and it isn't just gas.
Okay, that one might be gas.
Wait for it...
Wait for it...

Sucker punched by a baby!!
You so fell for it.