Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My baby girl is 3!!!

Happy Birthday to my Tiny Girl!
She got "video games" so now she can play just like Daddy.
She got to open her present from Grandma after morning naps.
Which to open first?
"Ah! A fwowa dwess! Cute!"
Checking to make sure that it is a name brand and Grandma ain't just buying stuff that has "fallen off the back of a truck."
(Of note, Elliott still won't wear the dress because she thinks that it is stuck on her because of the smocking.)

Wasting no time...

The dress needed a quick hug.

What is it?
"Little Kitty pantieeeeees!"

Cleaning up Dora's weave
Apparently Dora needed a kiss for being a good girl while getting her hair done.
Most of them are missing in this picture, but Elliott did wake up to a ceiling filled with pink and purple balloons. Nothing says "Happy Birthday, I hope you don't have a Latex allergy" like 30 balloons covering your bedroom ceiling.